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Reverse engineering Eclipse Oomph catalog

The source for all setups included in the Eclipse Installer are stored in the setups/ folder in the org.eclipse.oomph repository.

Example: if you want to find the *.setup file that contains the definition of the “Eclipse Scout Demo App” project that you can select in step 2 of the Eclipse Installer (advanced mode)

Step2 - Eclipse Installer: select projects

Back to the Eclipse Oomph repository, lets have a look at the at the org.eclipse.projects.setup file:

There is no detailed setup definition there. The file contains only “includes” directive of other setup files. This way the problem of having up-to-date definitions is devided in smaller parts (this presents the advantage that each Eclipse project is able to update its setup file without having to submit a pull request to change something in the Oomph project).

For Eclipse Scout project, the “include” directive is defined like this:

  <project href="https://git.eclipse.org/c/scout/oomph.git/plain/Scout.setup#/"/>

Now you can follow the link. For Eclipse Scout the file defining the projects setup is Scout.setup file in the scout/oomph.git repository.