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Ensure no uncommitted changes in a git repository

This bash script can be used to check if there are uncommitted changes in a git repository or not.

If the working directory is dirty both commands git diff and git status are also called in order to print the modified content in the console.


if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then
    echo "There are uncommitted changes in working tree after execution of the build"
    echo "Perform git diff"
    git --no-pager diff
    echo "Perform git status"
    git status
    echo "Please run the build locally and commit changes"
    exit 1
    echo "Git working tree is clean"

If you have a build that generates or modifies files and those derived resources are checked in your git repository (this is a project/team decision), then it is great to ensure that with each commit the generated code stays up-to-date. Using a script like the one presented in this article is a good idea. The CI server will perform the check for you.