All notes list
All my notes are listed here:
- Java null analysis -
- My contribution to Bnd 5.3.0 -
- The Gradle Wrapper -
- Representing a tree with text -
- Write your OpenAPI with Java instead of YAML -
- Generate the Java code to create an OpenAPI document -
- Software dependencies coordinates -
- CircleCI step isolation -
- Using MockServer in CircleCI builds -
- Gradle dependency types -
- from the command line -
- Storing uncompressed XML -
- Ensure no uncommitted changes in a git repository -
- Alias for git: lg (log graph with colors) -
- Reverse engineering Eclipse Oomph catalog -
- Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI implementations -
- Parsing OpenAPI specifications with external refs -
- From OAS2 to OAS3 with swagger-parser -
- Reporting source code issues as xml or json -